How to Choose the Right Technology Stack for Saas Development?

saas app development

According to 2025, over 85% of the businesses are estimated to be running on SaaS, with a valuation expected to reach as high as $500 billion. Indeed, SaaS is the technology of the future to watch out for. Be it the change in the methods of managing documents with Google docs. Or, with CRM software with HubSpot, SaaS application development is going to take over..

Traditional software approaches had some serious challenges faced by both customers and developers. To understand, you can look at factors like piracy, reach, relevancy, updates, and customization. They had to be very specific in the choices and customers to target. While customers had to get the latest hardware and software for their running and installation. Limiting their usage and many times leading to crashes.

Understanding these problems, SaaS application development technology came. Hosted over the internet, users didn’t need to download and install the software. Instead, they just need to go to the browser and access the software. Deleting all the requirements of software and hardware that came in between. And for companies, it provided much better control over their software, faster access, and virtually deleted the chances of any piracy. Resulting in higher retention and better revenue for companies across industries.

To help your business switch to SaaS comfortably. In this blog we have discussed SaaS in detail encompassing what it means, and its features, and listed some of the most common SaaS tech stacks for your business. Use this information and get the results for you. This guide will help you make an informed decision about SaaS and tech stack.

What does SAAS App Development really mean?

SASS, Software as a service, is the flagbearer of the changing landscape of the software industry. They allow developers not to worry about Operating systems, hardware requirements, and space. Create your application, install it on the server, and be done. In other words, they are websites with complex functionality. Use them for creating different products ranging from simple CRM to complex accounting.

Now you might be wondering how this all happens? The answer to this question is both easy and difficult. So without waiting, let’s get into the technical details of SAAS.

To make it easier for you to understand we have divided SAAS technologies into two categories: Server side and Client Side. 

Client-side technology deals with how the user interacts with the software. It builds user interfaces and interactions with the help of images, texts, forms, and other things as applicable. Also called the user’s side, some of the most famous technologies for its development are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.

Whereas, server Side technologies form the backbone of any SaaS application development. They handle all the data and requests sent by the client and send them back. Not just that they are also responsible for ensuring security, fast access, and scalability. They include AI/ML, DevOps, Cloud Provider, and Database as some of the technologies in every business.

To create perfect SaaS software be mindful when choosing the combination of technologies. These combinations decide how your software will perform and its scalability in the long term. 

Unique Features of SAAS:

saas app development

Before deciding how to choose the right technology stack for your business. Let’s talk about some of the benefits of SAAS software that make them unique. Hence, helping you decide whether it’s a perfect choice for you.

  • Easy Access worldwide:  SAAS software is available over the cloud, in other words, its deployed over the Internet not the user’s devices. Hence, any user with just an internet connection can open them and access them irrespective of the device they are using. Giving them freedom from hindrances like storage space requirements, ram, and operating systems. Just pay for the access and you’re ready to go.


  • Data Security: SAAS can enhance data security by integrating updated latest practices. These include data encryption, access management, and multiple authentications. With cyberattacks increasing every day, your data will always be safe from outside attacks. 


  • Easy Integration: By allowing different softwares to work together in a single place, SaaS can ease the work for businesses. Users don’t need to switch tabs or software when using them just integrate them as per the prescribed method. These integrations are hassle-free and require minimal effort to take place. Take the example of, zoom-salesforce and Google Docs-Gmail.


  • Subscription based access: Businesses require revenue to continue running, manage costs, and update themselves. SaaS gives the freedom to offer subscription-based access and generates revenue from the first day. They can also personalise the environment for different users by their chosen plan. Software in the past lacked this functionality which limited freedom and customizability.


  • Safeguard your application: Software piracy is one of the most prevalent issues for businesses worldwide. From small software companies to giants like Windows and Adobe, all have been prey to it. By switching to SaaS your applications are safe from attacks and can only be used by the authorised users . Giving a return on investment and be safety from piracy always.


According to iByte CEO Gitesh Dang “The trend of SaaS has just started. By 2035, it has the potential to help run over 90% of the business on its own.”

How to Choose the Technology Stack for SAAS

SaaS app development requires a very methodical approach. After delivering projects for across industries. From our experience we have suggested the pointers to consider when choosing the right tech stack. In addition to using these pointers you can also contact us for your project guidance. More than happy to help!  

  • Define your needs: Before even starting to choose, know what exactly you want to create. Look for the technology stack that has been proven to do this kind of work with utmost efficiency.


  • Scalability: SaaS products are known for their scalability. Switching and updating as per the needs and trends. To ensure your products are scalable look for the tech stacks that are proven to be scalable.


  • Relevancy: Also, called the support factor. Look for a tech stack that’s rising and will stay relevant in the future to come. Growing technologies can help you better manage the complexity and adapt faster as the change comes. Furthermore, they are efficient, receive more updates  and support.


  • Resources Availability: Take a look at the finances and human resources available in your offices. If not in the office, look for trained resources available in the market for the chosen stack. These resources will inadvertently decide whether you can go ahead or not. 


Some common technology SAAS stacks:

saas app development

Be very mindful when choosing a SaaS development company for your product. To start with, look at the technologies they are expert in and the tech stack used by them. Some of the most followed tech SaaS stacks are explained below for you: 

  • MERN: Based on the ever-dynamic Javascript. MERN stack is composed of React for the client side building the user interfaces. While Express and Node work on the server side handling business and operations logic for your website. The database technology used is MongoDB. Simultaneously, you can also add TensorFlow to your website for deploying ML models.


  • MEAN: Another of the Javascript-based tech stack. Here, the client rendering side is handled by Angular. Whereas Express and Node work on their server-side rendering. Furthermore, MEAN stack is famously used for websites to increase the efficiency and scalability of their business.


  • PERN: Stands for PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node. Evidently, PERN is the top choice for companies who need SQL based databases. Moreover, its robust access control and high tolerance are the biggest benefits of using the PERN stack for your SaaS project.


  • React + Python: Not satisfied with other options? A combination of React and Python can be the answer for your SaaS application. Both have powerful frameworks and libraries to help you manage and scale your product. In any case, they offer fast development, high scalability, high speed, and efficient results. As an illustration checkout Netflix, one of the most prominent brands that run on this stack. 


How can iByte help you?

We know how much a SaaS product matters for your business. Our expert developers have a thorough look at your requirements and create a master plan. Our results driven approach creates products exactly how clients wanted.  

Join Us to turn your dreams into reality.

About ibyteinfomatics

iByte Infomatics has been a figurehead in digital transformation for the past 13 years. With 120+ ninja techies, we integrate strategy, design, and development services that facilitate clients. Taking our capabilities to the right spot, at the right time, and in the appropriate proportions gives us an advantage over our competitors.

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