Next.js v/s Vue.js: The Ultimate Comparison

Next.js vs Vue.js

Why Next.js and Vue.js is relevant in present times!

Web Development has changed for good in the past ten years. Making websites more interactive, responsive, and faster. But there is one thing that deserves whole credit, yet untalked about. Do you know what? Yes, I am talking about javascript.

First developed in 1995, javascript has given the website world gifts like autocomplete, playing of video and audio, and not forgetting a click. Javascript slowly began dominating the development. At present, running on more than ninety-seven percent of websites around the world. Javascript ensures websites are dynamic with features that can update themselves or change as per the command given to the user. 

To ensure javascript not just remains relevant but is also updating itself. More frameworks and libraries came to light, for example, Angular, React, TypeScript.js, CoffeeScript.js, Next.js, and Vue.js.  In this blog, we will discuss the two latest frameworks in javascript web development: Next.js and Vue.js. Discussing their similarities and differences, we will also talk about which one to use and when?

Similarities and Differences: Next.js vs Vue.js

Next.js and Vue.js are undoubtedly the top two rising languages of the present time. On one hand some developers are promoting Next.js for its server side rendering ability, whereas others are supporting Vue.js for its lightweight file. In this blog we will look to help you make a better choice, we will look at both similarities and differences of both the languages. 

Next.js vs Vue.js similarities:

1. Working: Both Vue.js and Next.js support server side rendering of the web pages. Server side rendering finishes the processing needed on the server opening up scope for faster web page loading. This can be particularly helpful in the cases of large files where client side rendering can take up the essential time for the user.

2. Foundation Language: Next.js and Vue.js are both written in Javascript at its core. Here, Next has been derived from React, which itself is one of the most famous languages around the world. Whereas Vue.js is an open source language developed by Evan You, later bought by Vercel. Both use efficient features like virtual DOM and hot reload, creating scope for minimal changes and faster response. 

3. Componentization: The Practice of dividing the website into blocks of codes, which can work independently, be reused, and be scalable is componentization. With the increase in complexity of tasks performed by sites, componentization has become a necessity for faster performance. The two frameworks support componentization allowing rapid development of the UI.

4. Progressive Web Apps: Deemed to be the future of web applications, progressive web apps are crucial for business in the coming times. They can boost interaction time and revenues in multiple ways. Without taking up much space, they allow users to access some functionalities offline and receive notifications. Both frameworks create scope for the creation of PWAs. 

Next.js vs Vue.js differences:

1. Evolution: For the case, both next and vue are written in javascript but their evolution is very different. Next.js is built on React and has inherited all the features of react in its setup. On the contrary, Vue.js is a single framework which uses javascript and typescript.

2. Optimisation: Next.js has built-in support for server-side rendering and static site generation used very well for SEO. Moreover, it has lazy load-like features for the images, text, and component data to boost loading. While Vue.js requires some additional plugins to achieve these features for the website.

3. Popularity: The community size of Vue.js is quite bigger than Next.js. Unquestionably, proved the statistics regarding usage. According to experts the reason attributed to this can be simplicity of syntax used and less assertive file organization structure. Also, Vue.js offers a bigger community to support at the time of issue. 

4. File Size: Next.js has a setup size of about 43 MB, on the other hand, Vue.js is just 2.55 MB. Naturally, saving space allows faster access to the files for coding and processing. In brief, saving bandwidth for faster, access for users and debugging in case of errors.

Significant factors to consider when making a choice:

Next.js vs Vue.js 1

Front End technology is a significant part of any full stack development. To help you be systematic when making this choice, below we have listed some factors to consider. 

1. Rendering Technology: Users fetch websites from the server and then run fetched files on the application. To ensure a website delivers value to your customers and renders everything on time, rendering technology is the first thing to notice. Two major rendering technologies are server-side and client-side rendering. Server-side rendering technology creates a website on the server and sends a pre-rendered page to the user. However, for client-side rendering, the server sends the file directly to the browser who executes it.  

2. Learning Curve: Time taken to learn can be crucial when selecting, especially considering the timeline to deliver a website. Here to consider, among Next.js and Vue.js, Next.js has a sharp learning curve and calls for extra attention and hard work, whereas Vue.js is easier to use. Also, remember this might be different for everyone according to their unique capabilities and ability to understand. Make sure you take this into account when making a choice.

3. Community Support: Both javascript frameworks have an active community supporting them and updating the technology when needed. When comparing Vue.js, the community is larger than next.js. It has been evident from past language experiences that languages with a small community lack regular updates and are more prone to pitfalls over time. Making them unsustainable investments to make for the projects. 

4. One Page application vs Static Site: Both Next.js and Vue.js have the ability of creating both one page application and static site. Which can be achieved by integrating some plugins and resources. But if the specifics have to be asked for, Next.js has built-in support  for static site generation while Vue.js for One page application. Choosing the right framework depending upon the needs helps in fulfilling requirements, scale the project, and deliver high value to both users and business. 

When should you choose Next.js?

Next.js can be a perfect choice if you want your website to have server side rendering, SEO, and easy developer experience as the top consideration. Important thing to remember is even after being dependent on react, Next.js can be very challenging to learn. 

When does Vue.js work best?

The third most loved language after Angular, React in a survey among more than seventy thousand developers by GitHub in 2022. Vue.js can be a perfect solution for one-page applications. Moreover, add vue.js to your existing projects easily with its rapidly growing framework and libraries. The biggest limitation of Vue.js is the ability to integrate into older browsers, which limits the audience.

The way forward

We just had a detailed look at Next.js vs Vue.js. But! Don’t stop looking for more probable solutions. One of the most probable solutions includes Svelte. Other than that, there are also traditional solutions like Angular and React for your project. 

As the old saying goes, there is no one-size that fits. First, Understand your project in detail, and then, go for the search.

About ibyteinfomatics

iByte Infomatics has been a figurehead in digital transformation for the past 13 years. With 120+ ninja techies, we integrate strategy, design, and development services that facilitate clients. Taking our capabilities to the right spot, at the right time, and in the appropriate proportions gives us an advantage over our competitors.

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