How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Mobile App [Complete Guide]

Mobile app development cost

When it relates to developing mobile apps, the age-old adage “you get what you pay for” is completely valid. The typical answer to this intriguing topic is ‘It depends,’ which creates more questions than it answers.

You’re probably wondering two things: ‘How much does the entire mobile app development cost?’ and ‘What factors influence the price?’ Several websites estimate the cost of mobile app development, but they are nothing more than marketing tactics. The estimate you obtain will not reflect the true scenario.

So, all in all, what is the average cost of developing a mobile app? 

According to a conditional split of all conceivable mobile applications by their complexity and size, the development costs of mobile apps can range from $10,000 to $150,000 or even more. Moreover, different methodologies, such as native app development, hybrid app development, and cross-platform development, may influence the price.

Now that we are moving forward, let us examine the formula for calculating the cost of developing a mobile app.

Here’s How To Estimate App Development Costs

App attributes are the actions or activities that the program must perform in order to get the desired result. A signup button on a screen provides an easy way to sign up, but it may also contain video streaming functionality. The price of designing an app is proportional to the number of features and the difficulty of its execution. 

The method for estimating the mobile app development cost is as follows:


App Development Cost

How Much Does It Cost To Make An Application For Mobile?

Many factors influence the price, depending on the complexity of the mobile app development services. A basic app has useful features such as a login system, user profile facility, dashboard, and limited management. However, the approximate mobile app development costs are as follows:

  • Simple mobile app development cost – $10,000 to $50,000
  • Average mobile app development cost – $50,000 to $150,000
  • Complex mobile app development cost – $150,000 & Above

How App Development Costs Are Affected? 

Other characteristics and sophisticated technology complexity that contribute to the mobile app development cost comprise – 

1. Platform To Build Your App

There seem to be two broad categories to consider when selecting a platform to create your app on. Cross-platform apps and native apps are examples of this. Here’s how they vary and how they impact the overall mobile app development cost.

  • Native App Development

Native apps are mobile applications that only run on one platform, either Android or iOS. Because they are designed and tuned for a certain platform, they provide excellent performance. However, it is worth noting that native apps are somewhat complicated. If you want to create an app for both Android and iOS, you will need two separate development teams. And the price will almost probably double. It is therefore costly to develop native apps.

  • Hybrid or Cross-Platform App Development

As the name implies, these apps are created by combining both native technologies. This is the greatest option if you want to introduce an app to a broader audience. Furthermore, when compared to native apps, the creation and maintenance costs are inexpensive.

2. Design Of Your Mobile App

The design process is the next crucial component to consider when considering how much it costs to develop an app. Though it is an essential aspect of the development stage, it is critical in determining the overall mobile app development cost. Nevertheless, more customizations- for a better user experience- will result in increased expenses and time. The top three design-specific considerations for a rise in app development costs are shown below.

  • User Experience

UX is essentially concerned with how your mobile application functions. The factors might range from color psychology to button placement to even matching the user’s eye pattern. As a result, building such an experience necessitates a thorough grasp of your market, demographic, goals, ambitions, and other factors. And the cost to construct an app fluctuates when designing such an app experience that affects the level of engagement.

  • User Interface

The user interface (UI) is defined as how the application presents to users. While the level of customization can be increased to any extent, the fundamental parts such as layout, screen, colors, typography, shapes, elements, and items stay constant. The elements you choose are heavily influenced by your objectives. What exactly do you want from your business app? It could be sales, involvement, or research. Undoubtedly, the more sophisticated the design, the higher the expense of developing your software.

  • Branding

This must not be overlooked! What appears in your mind first when you think of brands such as Apple, Instagram, Nike, Adidas, and so on? Of course, their stunning logo designs catch your attention right away. All of these well-known companies have established brand value. Despite facing stiff competition, these companies stick out. How? They have just invested in branding. So, if you want to stand out in your sector, spending money on branding is a good idea.

3. Functionality Level of App Development

The mobile app development cost is directly proportionate to its functionality’s complexity. Obviously, the smaller and simpler the software, the less time and money will be necessary for its creation. So, how many features do you need to release your product? The rising amount of functionalities, panels, buttons, and so on will increase the complexity and cost of developing your program. Let us divide it into three categories:

  • Low-complexity apps

Low-complexity apps are mobile apps with few capabilities that are simple to implement. These apps are made without any extra features and often have three or four screens with simple operations and no data storage.

  • Average complexity apps

As you add more advanced structures to your apps, such as in-app purchases and location tracking, and begin to use data, you should expect expenses and development time to rise. The use and data retention are obviously required for the implementation of these functions, therefore you must pay for that as well.

  • High complexity apps

Developers must create a foolproof development plan and consider numerous factors to ensure a smooth development flow. These apps are typically sought by large corporations or well-funded businesses. From creating visible dashboards to establishing the number of servers needed, these apps require careful planning and deliberate deployment.

What Are The Hidden App Development Costs?

Mobile App development

There are four major categories of hidden app development costs associated with mobile app development. Let’s explore this in detail: 

1. Administrative costs

Administrative services can give you constant access to data, allowing you to change your app’s content and manage users without having to contact the IT department. The prices of such administrative services are difficult to anticipate and are primarily determined by the sort of mobile app being developed. These expenses pile up and must be paid on an ongoing basis.

2. Functional costs

The costs of integrating an app’s features are referred to as functional costs. To enable a specific feature, you may need to subscribe to a service that provides a delivery mechanism. Apps use a variety of services, and the list might be lengthy at times. The monthly cost of these mobile app development services could be tens of thousands of dollars.

3. IT support costs

You can’t create a high-quality app without IT support services. Continual technical assistance is an important aspect of app maintenance. The only issue is that support charges may rise over time. App update submissions, iOS, and Android upgrades, API maintenance, and bug repair are examples of IT support mobile app development services.

4. Infrastructure costs

Infrastructure expenditures include app hosting, data storage, and data transmission. Redundancy as well as load balancers are also required for backup and security servers in these solutions. All of this raises the project’s complexity and price tag.

How Do Apps Make Money?

In this section, we will examine a few of the most prominent methods by which apps can be monetized.

1. Freemium 

When it comes to Freemium advertising, these applications are free to install; nevertheless, they contain paid/premium features that can be accessed through in-app purchases. In these freemium apps, users install the apps without spending anything, and if they like the app content, they can later purchase full access to the features. Because the premium features are optional, this strategy allows for the acquisition of a large number of new users. This model is most commonly employed by organizations in health, sports, and education, allowing users to obtain premium benefits for mobile app development cost.  

2. Subscription

Subscription is an added convenience function that allows consumers to browse inventory and order accordingly. This strategy is effective for establishing revenue streams like weekly, monthly, or annual payments for a specific function provided by the free app. This paradigm is commonly utilized in cloud services, audio and video content sources (such as Google Music and Spotify), and digital news websites. Consumers can access content through their desired subscription plan here.

3. Sponsorship

In-app sponsorship and partnership primarily provide advertisers with a more comprehensive presence by linking them with the appropriate audience with buy intent. It assists advertisers in associating their brand with a favorable app experience, hence increasing brand exposure and sales. Collaboration with other apps and goods not only increases revenue but also offers the potential to broaden your offering.

4. Sell API of mobile app

This is a whole different technique for making money with your smartphone app. Instead of monetizing the app, this aids in the sale of the mobile app API as a product. Google Maps for navigation, Skyscanner for rooms and flights, Vimeo for video, and MusiXmatch for lyrics and album database are instances of apps that provide APIs. Furthermore, Whatsapp, a free service with no adverts or fees, makes money by providing API to businesses. As a result, if your app provides something unique, you might consider selling the API to other apps and products.

How To Choose The Right App Development Partner?

If you are looking for a mobile app development company that will meet your needs, we would suggest you follow these tips:

  • Ensure that the company you choose has extensive experience in the field.
  • Get an idea of the company’s development process and methodology by asking them.
  • Check out their portfolios to see what they have to offer.
  • Ascertain that the company has a good understanding of both front-end and back-end development in order to guarantee success.

How Can We Help You With App Development Cost Estimation? 

So, how much does mobile app development cost? It is obvious that there is no simple answer to this topic. Taking into account all of the influencing elements should help you come to a close estimate of the cost of turning your creative app idea into an actual product.

If you still believe that calculating the ultimate mobile app development cost is difficult, you may hire mobile app development company such as iByte Infomatics for high-quality mobile app development services.

Tap here to hire mobile app development company!

About ibyteinfomatics

iByte Infomatics has been a figurehead in digital transformation for the past 13 years. With 120+ ninja techies, we integrate strategy, design, and development services that facilitate clients. Taking our capabilities to the right spot, at the right time, and in the appropriate proportions gives us an advantage over our competitors.

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