DevOps Tools | Latest Essential Tools for DevOps Adoption

DevOps Tools

Integrating development and operations under one roof, DevOps has enhanced the ability to deliver applications and services at very high speeds with minimal errors. Gone are the days when we have to handle everything manually. Now the scenario has changed. Many companies are now preferring DevOps Adoption and using many high-tech tools due to their huge benefits to strengthen the company’s position in the market. So to help you, we’ve listed some of the best tools that every DevOps company or expert should adopt to increase workflow efficiency.

Tools For DevOps Adoption

We consider how important it is to use the right tools in DevOps. Therefore, we have classified them into the following categories. 

  • Continuous Integration Tools
  • Configuration management tools
  • Continuous Testing Tools
  • Containerization DevOps Tools

DevOps Tools

1. Continuous Integration Tools

Continuous integration is a merging practice, where developers merge all their code into a central repository and test their activities with the help of automated builds. To enhance this process, several continuous integration tools are available in the market, among which we have mentioned the best ones in the list below.

Git Git is very popular among remote users and open source contributors. It is the best free tool for source code management, especially for Linux users. It helps to control the software versions. Although Git does not have any central location for data storage and management, it comes with special advantage in terms of sharing updated software versions between the respective teams and allows you to track work progress.

Jenkins – To support continual product delivery, Jenkins will always be the first priority of all. With little maintenance, this Continuous Integration tool provides a lot of plugins to automate most processes of any type of project. Being good at building and testing software, Jenkins also monitors external jobs like Cron and Promail jobs. 

TeamCity – TeamCity is a Java-based tool developed by JetBrains. It is similar to the above-mentioned continuous integration tools but not all the features are available for free. This CI/CD tool runs in a Java environment, primarily on Apache Tomcat servers. We can also run builds on different environments simultaneously.

2. Configuration Management Tools

Configuration Management is important in DevOps as it helps teams to build stable and powerful systems that can increase efficiency. To regulate this workflow in a coordinated manner with little effort, we have shown the 3 best configuration management DevOps tools below:

Ansible – Ansible is an open-source tool written in the Python programming language and simplifies tedious tasks and, thus, makes the work more manageable. The tool has a master but the client’s machines lack agents because everything runs on the SSH protocol. Thus, makes this Configuration management tool is Ansible easy to use.

Chef – In DevOps, Chef is an excellent automation tool used to increase scalability that transforms infrastructure into code. Be it for cloud operations or hybrid environments, Chef automates almost everything and that is why it becomes Facebook’s first choice.

Puppet Puppet, a highly scalable configuration management tool, can operate the software and its configuration on various platforms. It has its own programming paradigm to describe the system configuration. This tool works similar to Ansible, but it comes with an add-on point. If you have any syntax errors, Puppet detects them all before running the full task.

3. Continuous Testing Tools

Continuous testing is done to monitor the software development process at every stage. This system helps maintain the quality of software throughout the work cycle. To make this function easier, there are many great continuous testing equipment launches in the market and we have named a few:

SonarqubeSonarqube is a web-based application that is freely available to users. This tool ensures quality and helps in the analysis of source code. Although Sonarqubi has written in Java, one can examine more than 20 programming languages ​​and provide detailed reports of errors, duplication, and risk factors.

Testsigma – Best for small to large businesses, Testsigma is a cloud-based automation continuous testing tool that can test periodically in multiple test environments. With no complex tasks or programming, Testsigma reduces manual efforts and automates almost everything. Here you can test mobile-based and web-based applications with little effort.

Watir Watir is an open-source tool that supports continuous testing of browsers such as Firefox, Safari, and many more. Written in the Ruby language, this continuous testing DevOps tool has a set of APIs that make our interactions with websites and UI applications even more friendly and our workflow run smoother.

4. Containerization DevOps Tools

Containerization tools are used primarily for the packaging purposes of the application with all its required files so that it can easily run in many computing environments. HashiCorp Nomad, Packer, and Marathon are some of the effective Containerization tools you should have as a DevOps expert.

HashiCorp Nomad – The HashiCorp Nomad is a cluster controller as well as a scheduler. It helps multiple servers to work together in order to prevent data leakage. This containerization tool automates deployment at any scale or in any work environment.

Packer – Packer is a free application, designed to mimic containers from a single configuration file to keep records of long-term changes. This software can work on various hardware platforms and create multiple duplicates in parallel. The packer is easily accessible and automates the copying process.

MarathonMarathon is an open platform and it is very easy to work with. This highly efficient containerization tool helps you run tons of schedules at the same time. By automation systems, Marathon is able to scale your container infrastructure and monitors them periodically.

Final Analysis…

All the tools mentioned are of great importance and a DevOps engineer is incomplete without any of them. The high-tech build of the above DevOps tools meets many common requirements and automates to reduce your workload. Thus, these tools make software development work cycles smooth and fast.

Make Huge Profits For Your Company By Adopting DevOps Today!!!!

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About Vaishali Bhatt

Vaishali is a technical writer at iByte Infomatics as well as a freelance copyeditor. So far, she has proofread around 500+ articles and has written numerous tech and non-tech articles from various niches, which reflects her stronghold on this profession. Her posts are always packed with informative and error-free content. If she's not in front of her laptop, you'll probably find her watching Netflix or making something new in the kitchen.

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