Last night, Google unleashed its first stable release of Android 11 for pixel smartphones. While other manufacturers like OnePlus and Realme are still pushing out Android 11 beta for their users. However, Oppo is working in progress to unveil the Color OS 11 based on Android 11 on September 14. Google is expecting to collaborate with more branded partners to upgrade their devices in the upcoming months. Probably, this launch will be among the top Android 11 updates for the next few weeks.
Fortunately, Google has added a list of new features to this mobile OS. Although the updated version is less focused on adding new functionalities and improves the existing assets on your phone. One of the tremendous changes uncovered by Android 11 is handling group conversations and adding a Facebook Messenger-style bubble interface to make them more accessible and convenient to users. Additionally, there are new media controls, a new screenshot interface, a system-level smart home control menu that is accessible through long pressing the power button, along with more restrictive permissions settings. Android 11 is available on most smartphones today but it holds few exclusive features for Google’s Pixel devices, including a new AR-location sharing feature.
What’s the top new feature score in Android 11?
We have experimented with the new features of Android 11 in the past few days. Here are some of them that are most liked by the beta version users.
1. Power Menu
The biggest changes are in the visuals of the smartphone user interface. On long pressing the power menu, you see multiple options like Restart Phone, Lock Phone, Turn Off, and others. But now you get even more advanced options that feature quick access to your default apps like Google Pay you have set it up. Furthermore, you can create shortcuts to various smart home controls set up via the Google Home app. All these controls can be customized from the power menu itself.
2. Media Player
Generally, you see a notification with music controls while you play music on your smartphone. Subsequently, you swipe down the notification drawer, right? Android 11 version allows you to integrate all these controls into the quick settings menu. Users have to simply swipe down from the top of the screen. Near the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth tiles, you can find music controls only if you are playing music.
3. Bubbles
Do you remember messenger chat heads that used to float everywhere, even in the interface of different apps? The feature offered a way to access DM conversations as quickly as possible. Seeking and transforming that idea, Google is calling it out as bubbles that will expand natively to other messaging apps. These bubbles can be dragged around anywhere in the middle of the applications. Moreover, the bubbles from different apps like Facebook and Instagram get clustered together on your screen.
In the final analysis…
Every time a new Android version is unrolled, there are some sorts of enhanced features in every release. Subsequently, Google tries to get better and forces the entire Android ecosystem to provide timely updates to users. However, Google’s Android 11 announcement post has been launched out today on selected Pixel, OnePlus, Xiaomi, OPPO, and realme phones, with more brands launching and upgrading devices in the upcoming months.